Notes about Kent Beck's substack
These are my notes from the Kent Beck's substack pages. Thinkies All Thinkies are just random Beck's ideas which came with a disclaimer - evaluate them yourself. They just as well might be bad ideas. Thinkie: Sampling Rate - when you are missing something while monitoring a system, try increasing the sampling rate. Thinkie: The Real Question - when someone asks you for information which makes no sense, ask them what is the real question. Thinkie: Win/Win - well-known. Try to make a decision that is good for everybody. Thinkie: Survivable? - when you cannot make a decision, think about its reversibility. If you can survive the negative outcome, act in cheapest, fastest way that could generate value. Otherwise mitigate risk. Thinkie: Your Position - conversation got stuck on resolution, but otherwise seems promising. Try to summarize other party's position in a way they would agree with. Thinkie: My Perspective - when you have trouble communicating w...